The Land is an original, three act play, concerning the past, current and about to be future ( unless something changes quickly ) Israeli/Palestinian conflict. It looks at the catastrophic mistakes of History that have led to the present cycle of violence, through the eyes of two women (Amirah and Tamara) and their families. The first act begins during the Second Intifada and the final act occurs in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead. As this very human drama unfolds, the audience is taken on an often shocking, emotional and provocative journey that climaxes with a surreal but hopeful ending. The setting of The Land is Jerusalem, but the story is about all of us, struggling to co-exist on this fragile planet.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Land Mentioned! March/April Horsefly

The Land on Kickstarter has a final deadline! Time is short! In one month, $7000.00 needs to be raised in order for me to get the funding needed to bring this play back to life. I've revised it so that it will play much stronger than in its workshop mode, and will require less in the way of props and have smoother transitions scene to scene. I am feeling very excited about the future of this project. There are things happening behind the scenes that are promising. Meanwhile, I've taken on a writing job this Summer, on top of the regular gigs I have, that will also require a bit of attention. The Kinky Friedman documentary will begin filming again this Fall. So I am thankfully busy. However, The Land is my baby - the project closest to my heart, and I am determined to get it out there and seen by as many people as possible. In Steve Long's great Horsefly piece this month (The Case For Democracy In Israel) he notes that "In light of the recent controversy around Lynne Robinson's play, The Land, it is wonderful to see them (The Taos Jewish Center) reaching out to the community to join the conversation." If in the three months since the play was staged at the TCA and seen by less than 1% of Taos' population, we have been able to accomplish so much, imagine the impact this play could have in larger cities all over the world! Please help me get it there! Log onto Kickstarter and give as much or as little as you can afford! You will be part of a bright new movement for real, sustainable peace!

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