The Land is an original, three act play, concerning the past, current and about to be future ( unless something changes quickly ) Israeli/Palestinian conflict. It looks at the catastrophic mistakes of History that have led to the present cycle of violence, through the eyes of two women (Amirah and Tamara) and their families. The first act begins during the Second Intifada and the final act occurs in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead. As this very human drama unfolds, the audience is taken on an often shocking, emotional and provocative journey that climaxes with a surreal but hopeful ending. The setting of The Land is Jerusalem, but the story is about all of us, struggling to co-exist on this fragile planet.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Kickstarter Funding Cancelled

I've cancelled funding on Kickstarter - all pledges will be returned and hopefully re-channeled here via paypal! We are already seeing donations thanks to a few early birds! I'll be posting here often now that we are ready to go back into rehearsals with the revised script. Most of the original cast will remain with a few new additions. Thanks again for all the interest and support -and please donate to help us make our goal!

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