The Land is an original, three act play, concerning the past, current and about to be future ( unless something changes quickly ) Israeli/Palestinian conflict. It looks at the catastrophic mistakes of History that have led to the present cycle of violence, through the eyes of two women (Amirah and Tamara) and their families. The first act begins during the Second Intifada and the final act occurs in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead. As this very human drama unfolds, the audience is taken on an often shocking, emotional and provocative journey that climaxes with a surreal but hopeful ending. The setting of The Land is Jerusalem, but the story is about all of us, struggling to co-exist on this fragile planet.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Why Should We Care?

With disasters mounting around the globe - the Gulf oil spill, 98,000 troops headed to Afghanistan, a rumoured imminent US/Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facility and on and on, why should we care about the ongoing conflict between the Jews and Palestinian Arabs in the Holy Land? It is my firm belief that the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is fed and nurtured by an ongoing political agenda that has its roots in the Great Game of the 19th Century and is essentially a tactic of diversion from a far more sinister, Global colonial agenda that threatens the freedom of all humanity. Please support our efforts by donating via paypal right here on our blog - no amount is too little! And if you live in or around Taos, don't miss our return to the TCA on July 10th at 8pm. 10% of our proceeds go to Grassroots Jerusalem - see Micha in the video above and visit their site via our links.

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