The Land is an original, three act play, concerning the past, current and about to be future ( unless something changes quickly ) Israeli/Palestinian conflict. It looks at the catastrophic mistakes of History that have led to the present cycle of violence, through the eyes of two women (Amirah and Tamara) and their families. The first act begins during the Second Intifada and the final act occurs in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead. As this very human drama unfolds, the audience is taken on an often shocking, emotional and provocative journey that climaxes with a surreal but hopeful ending. The setting of The Land is Jerusalem, but the story is about all of us, struggling to co-exist on this fragile planet.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Creative Activism

We live in extraordinary times - we can communicate with people across the globe at the speed of light, we have access to information like never before and never before have we, as a human race been in a position to take the reins of our Destiny in hand and shift the tide toward global peace and harmony. Artists have always been way-showers; cartographers of worlds yet to be traversed. Now more than ever before, artists have the unique opportunity to co-create with creation, a new and brighter future for all of our children. Because essentially art breeds compassion in that it shows us who we are and who we are becoming. I consider myself a creative activist. I'm a poet, painter and writer who believes I was given these gifts to serve a greater good. Money has never been my objective - I could care less about the next best new thing! But I care a great deal about those who live in perpetual suffering. That's why I wrote The Land and that's why I am here asking you to assist me in bringing attention to the ancient wounds at the core of this conflict so that we can begin to move forward with compassion, understanding and love. Because the fear, trauma and terror on both sides is too real to ignore and too embedded to approach without these attributes. Video will be up starting later today!

Log on to Kickstarter and pledge - $10.00 from you will enable me to spread awareness and change the picture on the ground!

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