The Land is an original, three act play, concerning the past, current and about to be future ( unless something changes quickly ) Israeli/Palestinian conflict. It looks at the catastrophic mistakes of History that have led to the present cycle of violence, through the eyes of two women (Amirah and Tamara) and their families. The first act begins during the Second Intifada and the final act occurs in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead. As this very human drama unfolds, the audience is taken on an often shocking, emotional and provocative journey that climaxes with a surreal but hopeful ending. The setting of The Land is Jerusalem, but the story is about all of us, struggling to co-exist on this fragile planet.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Retracing My Steps

If you haven't noticed, I've been working on the text on Kickstarter Videos are being shot this weekend, with a few of the cast members from the original workshop production of The Land. The short trailer for the play is also in the editing process for a March 10th release right here, on the blog and on You Tube. I have also been working on revisions on the play itself. Seeing it on its feet, has enabled me to work on a few rough edges, awkward transitions and verbiage. It also helped me to see what worked and in doing so, gave me the confidence I lacked, going in the first time. After all I had no theatre experience and writing a play was a bit of a stretch for someone who has only completed one novel which sits collecting dust, and considers poetry her path - a much shorter writing form, unless one is creating epics. While writing The Land last year at this time, I fell in love with play writing! I came to it naturally and easily. It was as if the play waited for me to write it. And in the best parts - the parts I've left intact, it shows. I'm treading carefully as I cut things out and move scenes around, staying true to that place of love that inspired and continues to inspire me. I don't think this will be the only play I write, but it may well be the most important. Retracing my steps and doing these revisions has been an interesting process. I hate doing revisions, so I find all kinds of distractions to keep me from the job, but once I get to it, I can't tear myself from the page. Nights bleed into days. Last night I was up going through pages until the wee hours. Tonight I'm going to read through the pile and make corrections. Tomorrow I'll type. That's probably why I procrastinate. If I wrote on the computer it would certainly save me time, but would it still have soul? Something about the pen to paper... Off to work now, but wanted to keep everyone updated. Oh, I'm thinking of having a private showing of the video of the entire play, on the blog for all the Kickstarter backers as an extra reward!

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